Saturday 17 January 2015

Uses for left over Green Stuff.

Some thing I nearly always find myself doing is mixing up more Kneadatite (Green Stuff) than I need.

I used to just stuff it under the bases of whatever mini I was working on at the time but then I had a better idea.

Many WHFB and 40K Armies have little things that appear on a lot of the minis through out the force, tiny, insignificant, fiddly little things that in enough quantity help make the theme. Nurgle = pox/boils, Tomb Kings = Scarab Beetles, Orks( Orcs& Goblins) = little toad stools. There are more I'm sure but those are some I have experienced myself. There is also the more generic little teeth, horns, medallions, symbols and gem etc that adorn GW minis.

Never waste a bit of GS again, use it to make pre fab bits for these details. ( If you are impatient like myself these will help speed up some of these details without the dreaded moment when you squish a bit you just finished while working on the next.

Things you'll need:
Good sharp knife, Blu/White tac ( poster stuff) Kneadatite ( GS/Green Stuff), an old paint brush and thin liquid polyester glue. Oh and a little box or pot for storage.

For this I'll just show the simplest use, but with a little extra effort and variation of shape you can fit this for most armies.

lil Green Balls.

 Whenever left with some GS roll it into little balls, normally I just do this lightly in the palm of my hand with a finger tip. ( Hey Granny, I'm gonna tell you how to suck an egg!) drop em into an out of the way place or a storage pot and forget them til they are set and you are working on a model that you can use them for.

 Ok you built up a store of lil green balls, time to grab that rattly container and use them up. In this example Nurgle themes, boils, pox call em what you want, there is loads of places you can use them.
Sometimes perfect spheres are usable but something with a flat back is easier to glue in place.

Squidge a line of Blue Tac and place the ball you want to use on it.


Grab your sharp knife and carefully cut them in half.

Now you have a selection of pustules to glue on to whatever it is needs a dose of Papa Nurgles love. I Use Liquid Poly in small dabs to glue them on and then a brush to coat them with a bit more Liquid poly to seal them in place better. ( Hence the choice of thin.)

Ovals for Insect eyes.

Rivets,Gems and Eyes

 With extra GS you can add more detail or drill little holes whatever you need and take it as far as you want.
Got a tube making tool, make tubes, vary the shapes around and build up a stock of useful forms to glue and use later on for your Army.

Here is a game of spot the lil Green Balls.........

3 lil green balls.

1 lil green ball
5 lil green balls

That game got boring fast din't it lol. But you get the point, why wait for hundreds of little GSed details to cure so an item is safe for attack of the impatient sausage fingers when you can use up wastage to pre prep them and just wait for glue to dry instead?

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